Networking Wonderland

The holidays are a special time packed with gatherings with family, gathering with friends, gatherings with coworkers, gatherings with your significant other’s coworkers, and more. There is no other time throughout the year that is set up to be such a natural networking wonderland.  Now many people love the holidays for the sort of break that it can give us from the sometimes monotonous and stressful work lives we lead, however it also seems to be the perfect time to spread the word about your business and make professional connections in a casual and comfortable environment.  Besides, we all know that along with the weather and family updates, our work lives are a common topic of conversation at these holiday parties and gatherings anyways.  No need to ruin the party  by overdoing it, but use this naturally social time of the year to benefit you and your work efforts.  You just might catch someone in the holiday spirit that could help you out, or that you can help out.  The holidays are about giving-whether that be giving love and support, presents, business cards or some good old business advice!

Here are some networking tips for the Holidays:


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